Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Notable Marys in Nature: Mary Lee the Great White Shark


Great white shark Mary Lee tracked near Chincoteague

"A 3,456-pound female great white shark named Mary Lee is celebrating Cinco de Mayo near the Maryland-Virginia line.
"Here are a few quick facts about Mary Lee from OCEARCH, a non-profit group that researches great white sharks and other large apex predators.

•Mary Lee was tagged with a tracker off Cape Cod Sept. 17, 2012.
•She is 16 feet long.
•In the past 24 hours, she has traveled 82.5 miles off the coast of Delmarva.
•In the past 72 hours, she has traveled 165.5 miles.
•Since she was tagged in 2012, she has traveled 19,365 miles from Florida to Nova Scotia.
•She was named after a researcher's mother, after he described the shark as 'Truly the most historic and legendary fish I have ever been a part of.'"

More at:

Setting aside the odd hilarity of that final quote for the moment, I think we can all agree that this is welcome news from the world of nature. All hail massive sharks named Mary!

And...she's following me! (Okay, okay--she's following me on Twitter. But still!)