Sunday, February 28, 2010

Recovering from IMAD 2010

Whew! That was some day!

Mary and I went to a magical fairy land where we experienced many mystical things, and even found a device that dispenses fresh hot pizza from a nozzle:

Okay, so, that was our one photo of the day. But that, my friends, is because we were busy living it and not recording it! We chose to dine at restaurants, have pedicures, do a modicum of selective shopping and see a movie, and had a great time, even if we didn't visit a land out of fairy tales.

Well, the pedicure did feel pretty mystical.

How did you spend your day, Marys?

Friday, February 26, 2010

IMAD 2010 begins

Here we are at the very start of a brand new IMAD.
You may be wondering 'Mary, what can I do to celebrate?'

It's time. Think now of how to show appreciation to that Mary, Maria, Mara, Marie, Maire, Mari etc in your life. Especially if she is you!

Go out for breakfast, have it delivered in bed, take yourself for a walk, buy some new earrings, finally see that movie in peace and quiet, finish that book you have been reading in the bath.

The possibilities are endless, like the Marys they encompass. The most important thing is to remember your Marys, show some appreciation. Verbal is perfectly fine.

If you are a Mary yourself remember that as one of a mighty throng you are appreciated for your part in it. By us.

-Mary D

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Announcing IMAD 2010

Tomorrow, February 26, is International Mary Appreciation Day for 2010. Expect a full report in the near future.

(We meant to have more posted by now, but we've been too busy planning the event!)